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Selecting a suitable campsite is an integral aspect of camping. Even with a comfortable tent structure and a nice bed, it can be quite challenging to sleep well at a low-quality campsite. This is why in knowing how to choose a campsite, there are certain safety tips and regulations about what to look for and what to avoid. Knowing these rules will help you understand how to find a good camping spot.
It is observed that even regular campers often make a series of mistakes as to suitable environments to place their tents. Without careful search, there is a tendency that campers will experience some unpleasant situations. Campsites we meant here are the ones found in the bush, private properties, National Parks, or anywhere you can just set up your tent to camp.
It is important to note that there are some campsites that are infested with inch ants, inadequate protection from strong winds, and some not-so-ideal locations where the topography seems too sloppy that one could easily be slid down while at sleep at night.
Also, you may just find yourself struggling to find comfort on the rough, stony ground or find it difficult to relax when turbulent winds come knocking on your tents at intervals.
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Getting a better place will greatly determine the level of fun and entertainment you’ll derive throughout your stay in that tent.
Perhaps you are getting set to embark on a camping holiday, I have carefully selected some care tips which will guide you on how to choose a very suitable area to camp.
Here are they:
2021 Ultimate Campsite Selection Guide
1). Consider the Sun
Naturally, some people would want to get thaw on their tents as the morning breaks. If you feel the same way and want to get warmed up in the morning sun, then it is ideal your campsite faces the northern hemisphere. Perhaps you choose to spend more time in your tent during the day, then ensure you have some shade. Just note that inside a tent can be very hot on a sunny day.
2). Study the Wind
A nice breeze can be very pleasant to the body; as it can help to blow away smoke from a campfire, make you cool down on a very hot day especially if you just came out from swimming. A friendly wind can also help with condensation but if it is turbulent, it can make camping very uncomfortable, as you stand the risk of losing your tent and other valuables.
Therefore, you can make your camping experience very fantastic when you choose a location that has some protection from the wind like a dune, hills, and stable boulders.
3). Consider Your Neighbors
Camping with other people around can be very enjoyable or very unpleasant, depending on what your values are and what you want. There are various types of campers in every campsite; those who have a preference for playing loud music, litter the environment with pebbles and wraps. Depending on your personality, that may not be ideal for you. With this development, you can decide to search for other locations where you can find campers who align with your style of camping.
You can also enjoy your stay as a camper if you consider the comfort of others. Try not to unnecessarily crowd others except there is an option to do so. Also, it will be ideal if you don’t fix your tent in a spot where the view of other people will be blocked. According to a piece on REI, if you find yourself in a campsite, blend in, don’t barge in.
4). Is There Enough Shade?
Perhaps you’re camping during hot weather, it is best you find a location with sufficient shades to keep you from excessive exposures to the sun. Just check around your site and see what type of trees can help in this regard. Gum trees are no option as they can be dropping limbs at intervals, especially at hot periods. therefore, it is advised you do not camp near a gum tree.
Healthy trees can offer the expected shade but you must also consider the particular position they are located. It is best you position yourself where you can easily find afternoon shade.
5). Always Go for a Leveled Ground
If you place your tent on a hill, be sure to slide out of your bed to the rough, stony ground and you’ll sustain an injury. That is the reason you need to pay attention to the landscape of where you want to camp, to ensure the ground is flat. Though you may not get a completely level ground to sleep, once you achieve near success, you can sleep with your head at the top of the slope.
Another reason to avoid sloppy ground is rain. A site full of potholes means that water can pool when it rains and even get into your tent, thereby ruining your camping experience.
6). The Location
When considering a campsite, bring in your necessary needs into the picture. This can include shade, size of the area, landscape, and then, other things you might still need in the course of camping. All these simply means what you desire to get in a campsite.
Well, there are some facilities you should be expecting to be in place to guarantee a fun-filled camping experience.
The first is the proximity to water. You need water for drinking and other important aspects of your sojourn in that wilderness and you don’t need to go far to get it.
Secondly, you need privacy. It is your choice to determine if you’ll protect the interior of your tent from the unnecessary glare of other campers. You should not be too close to others to hear what is going on in their tent.
Another point to look at is the toilet situation. You need to make sure the toilet is far away from your tent, so it does not keep you in odor discomfort.
Lastly, the closeness to other sites is an important factor to consider. The reason is that you wouldn’t want to witness different sounds and noise blaring from different angles just because you squeezed with others. Its ideal to always consider the space difference before choosing a site next to other campers.
7). The Size of Your Tent
Campsites vary in size and you need to put the size of your tent into consideration. In doing so, you need to first find out if you have a large tent. Ask yourself about the size of a tent that can fit in a typical campsite, considering that other campers would also need space. Remember that you have other personal effects like chairs, tables, and some kitchen utensils.
Perhaps you came in with your camper trailer, find out if there is enough space for it and if it will not inconvenience others. You should know that even if you paid for space at a campsite, you can’t encroach into another space without paying for it. This is why it is needful to consider the amount of space you would need before embarking on camping.
READ: Top 25 Best Tents for Camping with Families
8). Concluding on A Specific Spot
Immediately you make up your mind on a specific spot for your tent, ensure that the ground is covered with sand, pine needles, moss, or leaves which will be more comfortable than hard-parked dirt.
As a matter of ease and safety, it will be ideal to stay close to large rocks, trees, bushes, or anything that can obstruct heavy winds and reduce some loss of heat. Please remember that the ground on which you have chosen to stay should be very dry, as it is thermally conductive, if this is in place, the risk of flood to occur whenever it rains will be significantly reduced.
9). Camp During Season
It is advisable to camp on the bare ground where plants hardly grow or during snow periods. the reason is that plants do not grow fast and the environmental impact is very appealing. Also, remember to avoid animal tracks so you don’t disrupt wildlife.

Even though you are taking advantage of the winter season, it is advisable to place your tent on a higher landscape to avoid the cold air that is associated with the valleys. Additionally, try to position your tent where you can receive the rays of the rising sun first thing in the morning. This measure will enhance your good health and offer you some comfort and fun although you stay.
10). Consider Camping During Spring
To be accurate about this Spring season, consult a guidebook or check on the internet before you negotiate with a ranger for space. Several reasons account for this period, especially because water is available and abundant. At times, due to heavy usage of the campsite, it may be closed down for some time. This is so because Spring is a fantastic time to camp. You will find sufficient amenities in place to make your stay a memorable one.
Final Words On How to Choose a Campsite
Conclusively, it is undeniably true that camping is fun when accurately planned. The tips in this piece have been put together as a guide for those who are planning to embark on a camping trip. Please read through and get familiar with the guide and I am sure you will be able to know exactly how to choose a campsite for your next time out into the wilderness.